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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/13/10
Conservation Commission
July 13, 2010
Approved August 16, 2010

Commissioners Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Chuck Crickman, Member; Bill Annable, Frank Perotta, Alternates.

Commissioners Absent: Suzanne Levine, Deane Geddes, Members; Dick Wright, ex-officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 4:38 p.m.


Ms. Holmes noted that Frank Perotta remains on the Commission as an Alternate member and that his term expires in 2012.

The Commission reviewed the minutes of June 8, 2010 and made corrections. Mr. Crickman made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Annable seconded the motion. All in favor.


Mr. Unger told the Commission that site visits were conducted on the following Intents to Cut:
  • June 10, 2010 from David Richardson and Jane Prophet, P.O. Box 1968, New London, NH, for property located in Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 31-487-379, for 20,000 feet of pine, 15,000 feet of spruce, and 15,000 feet of oak on 125 acres, by Benjamin H. Feeney, logger/forester, 25 Hickey Road, Croydon, NH 03773.
  • June 14, 2010 from Alice L. Gove, P.O. Box 476, Bradford, NH 03221, for property located at Alsubet Court, Route 103, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 050-563-237, 15,000 feet of white pine on 1.5 acres, by Chuck Rose, logger/forester, 1081 Battle Street, Webster, NH.
Mr. Unger discussed the details of his visit to the Gove site, noting that he was concerned that the acreage was not large enough to support a cut of 15,000 feet of pine. He also stated that he was not able to identify enough trees on the property to support a cut of 15,000 feet. There was general discussion regarding the property location and the impact of the cut on potential erosion and water runoff into Lake Todd.

Ms. Holmes recommended that Mr. Unger call the Town Administrator and discuss the Commission’s concerns about the property and the size of the proposed cut. She further recommended that the Selectmen visit the site to ensure the requested cut can be supported by the size of the property.   


Ms. Holmes reviewed the following communications from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES):

  • June 11, 2010 to Harvey & Nancy Cohen, P.O. Box 565, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 18 /232-347, a Decision on Reconsideration of Permit # 2009-02034 to install a 5 ft. x 40 ft. seasonal dock accessed by a 5 ft. x 10 ft. seasonal dock in a “L” shaped configuration at The Fells on Lake Sunapee in Newbury.
Ms. Holmes shared the letter with the Board, reading it into the record. (See Attachment A)

  • June 11, 2010 to Jay Gamble, Mt. Sunapee Resort, P.O. Box 2021, Newbury NH, regarding State of NH Department of Resources & Economic Development File # 2010-00026 – Goshen, a letter of approval notice to dredge and fill plus/minus 22,144 sq. ft. of palustrine forested wetlands and intermittent stream for construction of a year-round adaptive sports and therapeutic recreation facility and associated access/parking at Mt. Sunapee State Park to support the expanded program of the New England Handicap Sports Association.
There was general discussion regarding the proposed project and the above letter.  (See Attachment B)

  • June 30, 2010 to Vincent T. O’Neill, 36 Washington Street, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 16A / 329-459, a letter of receipt of a Shoreland Application # 2010-01685 on June 28, 2010.


Ms. Holmes shared with the Commission a letter dated June 25, 2010 from the Commission to Albert Bachelder, 77 Forest Brook Road, Newbury, in response to his complaint regarding a timber cut on a neighboring property. (See Attachment C)

There was general discussion about an anonymous complaint that was received from a Newbury resident concerned about the installation of a neighboring boat slip and resultant changes to the water’s edge. Additionally, she said the individual was concerned about debris from a fireworks display that was not cleaned up from the bottom of the lake. After making a site visit, Ms. Holmes said she advised the individual to contact the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) and fill out the DES complaint form.

Ms. Holmes read a second complaint received (See Attachment D) from Lynda White, 67 Old Sutton Road, Bradford concerning the widening of Old Sutton Road and concern regarding the impact on wetlands. The Town Road Agent addressed the complaint and responded to Ms. Holmes directly (See Attachment D).

There was general discussion regarding road widening in Newbury,

There was general discussion regarding the content of the Newbury Conservation Plan and suggestions made regarding reviewing the document for possible updating.

There was further general discussion regarding designated deer yards throughout Newbury.  


Newbury Trail Map Update
Ms. Holmes suggested that the Commission update the Newbury Trail Map which was last updated in 2007. It was agreed to revise and update the current Trail Map. Mr. Crickman agreed to review the current Trail Map and discuss it at the next Commission meeting.

Tree Cutting Application
Mr. Crickman reported that the draft of the Tree Cutting Application has been distributed to Commission members for review and editing. A copy of the draft document will be emailed to Mr. Perotta for his review.


Andrew Brook Trail
The Commission discussed the timeline regarding the Andrew Brook Trail and neighboring Goubert Family lands. Ms. Holmes suggested that the Commission’s meeting in August be dedicated to reviewing and discussing this topic. She suggested that several individuals should be invited to attend the meeting including the Town Road Agent, the Town Police Chief, a representative from the Planning Board, the Cadogan Highlanders, the Newbury Selectmen, Craig Sanborn, and Brian (?).

Mr. Perotta said the primary issue is the parking lot and who will be responsible for maintaining it.

It was decided to schedule the Commission’s meeting for August 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office.

There was further general discussion regarding the parking lot and the possible funding for same. Ms. Holmes said the issue of payment will be researched and discussed at a later date. The Commissioners held further general discussion regarding the Andrew Brook Trail head.  

DES Response Letter
Ms. Holmes presented to the Commission a draft response letter from the Commission to recipients of DES permit correspondence and read as follows:

“ Dear (Recipient), Congratulations on receiving your (permit title) from DES on (date). Please be aware that Newbury has zoning regulations and building permits as requirements. As you plan your project, we advise you to speak to either the Newbury Land Use Coordinator (Name and contact phone number) or the Newbury Building inspector (Name and contact phone number) about the appropriate regulations. Please be aware that your DES permit does not exclude your project from the local permitting process. As you may know, the Newbury Conservation Commission acts as an advisory board whose mission is to protect the environment while offering property owners educational support in the areas of environmental policies and concerns. If we can be of any assistance please contact us through the Newbury Land Use Coordinator or email the Commission at The Newbury Conservation Commission (ConComm) meets the second Tuesday each month at 4:40 p.m. at the Town Office. If you need to present a project to the ConComm please contact the Chair, Katheryn Holmes directly at (phone number). Best regards, etc.”

Ms. Holmes said DES supported the Commission’s efforts to provide permit recipients with follow up notification regarding the necessity to adhere to Town regulations. It was suggested by Des that the Commission follow up closely on the permits that get denied since sometimes individuals will implement a project regardless of the permitting process.

Mr. Perotta suggested submitting a final draft of the letter to the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissioners newsletter as an example of proactive activity concerning the monitoring of the DES permitting process.

Ms. Holmes said she will email the draft letter to the Commission for review and will discuss it further at the next meeting.
Mr. Unger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary